sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012

2013 Water Snake Chinese New Year

When you see the title , maybe you'll be scared of that , haha , the Water Snake Chinese Year ! Yeah , that's it ! 
We call it Shēngxiào , better known in English as the Chinese Zodiac , is a scheme , a systematic plan of future action , that relates each year to animal and its reputed attributes , according to a 12-year mathematical cycle . Identifying this scheme using the term " zodiac " reflects several similarities to the Western Zodiac : both have time cycles divided into 12 parts, each labels at least the majority of those parts with names of animals, and each is widely associated with a culture of attributing influence of a person's relationship to the cycle upon their personality and/or events in their life . Nevertheless, there are major differences : the " Chinese " 12-part cycle corresponds to years rather than months . The Chinese zodiac is represented by 12 animals , whereas some of the signs in the Western zodiac are not animals , despite the implication of the Greek etymology of " zodiac " . The animals of the Chinese zodiac are not associated with constellations , let alone those spanned by the ecliptic plane .
So next year is my year , I was born in 1989 , just 2 circles , I'm going to be 24 years old after that . Normally we wear or take something red , it's a kind of superstition , but we regard it as custom . Because we believe those red things will bring us good luck and protect ourselves from those bad things .
I find a song about Happy New Year , it's not a Chinese one ( because you'll not understand if I put it here , haha , just a joke ), but I really like it . Now let's pray for our new year and enjoy the video !
----Learnt from Wikipedia

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